And a smile

Wow, it’s been so long I can barely remember how to post here. I’ve been having problems writing something that is both satisfactory and satisfying to me. Things just haven’t been turning out like I’ve envisioned. But here, the words are rattling in my head and wanting to spill out. Let’s see what happens.

The hum of the blow dryer in the bathroom means I’ve missed my chance for a quick bath with River in our two-person tub this morning. That’s ok. I’d rather have a more luxurious evening or afternoon bath. With River.

I step through the door, expecting to see the reflection of her tits in the mirror, held nicely aloft by her upraised arms while she wields the comb and blow dryer. Instead it takes me a long split second to realize it’s the curve of her back and her perky ass I see in the mirror, and her tits, and the rest of her, are right in front of me, held nicely aloft just as I was hoping.

She finishes up, puts on a bra, steps into some panties. “Sorry about the beige.” I don’t know why she ever buys anything beige. One of the first things I did when we met was take her shopping for interesting-colored bras. “I don’t think anybody’s ever bought me a bra, except maybe my mom.” There will be many more firsts in our relationship. “I think all my other clean panties are in a pile on the living room floor.” “Is that a hint?” “Yes.”

I sort through the pile and pick out some of my favorites, white and fading-red stripies. When I open the bathroom door I’m smacked by the stunning vision of River, right in front of me, wearing just a shirt, her bush, and a smile. My favorite of all her outfits. “You’re my unexpected sweetie.” “With just a shirt?” “And a bush. And a smile.”

Well that wasn’t too awful. Some confusion in the middle about whether I’m going off to fetch her a bra or panties, but so be it.